The society archive
On this archive page, various Kensington Society documents can be found, such as our constitution, our annual reports and our newsletters.
All the annual reports since 1953 can now be found here (a few missing were finally located and added in April 2023), as well as all newsletters since 2006 – and most of them are word searchable.
All future annual reports and newsletters will be added to the archive as soon as they have been digitised.
The annual reports since 1953
The Kensington Society was inaugurated at a meeting in Kensington Town Hall on 13 October 1953, and in March 1954 it released its first publication, titled “The Kensington Society, March 1954, Report No. 1”. It reports on the society’s events and activities from the inauguration until early 1954 and lists planned events for the spring and summer of 1954. Although not an annual report (the first proper annual report came in September 1954, shortly before the first AGM), we have enclosed it in the archive of annual reports below, especially as the first annual report refers to it.
Somewhat confusingly, the second annual report, for 1954-55, has a similar cover as that first report, and is titled “The Kensington Society, November 1955, Report No. 2”, but the first page inside the cover reveals that it is the annual report for 1954-55.
During those two first years (1953-54 and 1954-55), the Kensington Society’s financial year ran from 1 September to 31 August, and from 1955 to 1966 it ran from 1 October to 30 September. But at the AGM in May 1966 it was decided that the financial year should match the calendar year from 1967, so the 1965-1966 report covers the 15 months from 1 October 1965 to 31 December 1966.
However, most of the annual reports from 1967 until 1993 continued to have two years in their title, although they only covered the activities during the first of those two years. So, in order to avoid confusion, we have below chosen to label all annual reports between 1967 and 1993 according to the financial and activity year they refer to, even if their first page may claim that they cover two years.
In 2014 it was decided to call future annual reports simply “Annual”, and once again include both the past year and the AGM year in the title, as much in the annual also deals with the AGM year.
Click on the links below to read or download all the available annual reports.
The annual reports since 2020
The annual reports covering 2010 to 2019
The annual reports covering 2000 to 2009
The annual reports covering 1990 to 1999
The annual reports covering 1980 to 1989
The annual reports covering 1970 to 1979
The annual reports covering 1961-62 to 1969
The annual reports covering 1953-54 to 1959-60
The newsletters since 2006
Click on the link below to read or download all the Kensington Society newsletters since 2006:
The newsletters 2010-2019
Kensington Society Newsletter 2019
Kensington Society Newsletter 2018
Kensington Society Newsletter 2017
Kensington Society Newsletter 2016
Kensington Society Newsletter 2015
Kensington Society Newsletter 2014
Kensington Society Newsletter 2013
Kensington Society Newsletter 2012
The constitution
Click on the link below to access the constitution of the Kensington Society, adopted on the 11th November 2010.
The membership leaflet
Click on the link below to access the Kensington Society membership leaflet.
The membership form
To become a member of the Kensington Society, go to the membership page and book online. However, if you for some reason need the fillable Kensington Society membership form, click on the link below.
Our privacy policy
As a result of the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on 25 May 2018, the Kensington Society has formulated its own privacy policy, which can be accessed here.
Page updated 14/12/2024