The Kensington Society AGM 2021
Monday 7 June 2021, 5.45pm for a 6.00pm start
Online virtual event via Teams
The Kensington Society’s Annual General Meeting had to be cancelled at short notice last year, due to Covid and the first lockdown. This year we must still bow to the ways of Covid, but will hold an online virtual meeting covering both years. It is not ideal, but we do believe that it is the safest way.
Although there won’t be the usual drinks party afterwards in the Mayor’s Parlour, those attending are encouraged to bring their own drinks of choice to the meeting. That way we may be able to have a toast afterwards, as usual.
We hope you can join the meeting online, vote and ask questions – the votes will be to approve the accounts and the election of trustees. If you want to attend, please register below. All who register will receive an email with the joining link and instructions before the meeting.
Those who attend will vote by raising their hand (in camera or by selecting the virtual hand) and those wishing to ask questions can also do so during the meeting.
If you are unable to join the meeting, but want to vote (regarding approval of the accounts – found in the annual – and election of trustees) or submit questions, please send your votes and/or questions either by email (to or by post (to The Kensington Society, 95 Highlever Road, London W10 6PW). All written votes and questions must reach us no later than 1 June 2021.
Agenda for the AGM
- Chairman of the Kensington Society, Amanda Frame, to welcome guests and members.
- Apologies for absence.
- Nick Ross, president of the Kensington Society, to introduce proceedings and then to conduct the order of business.
- To confirm approval of the minutes of the 2019 AGM as set out in the annual report 2019-2020, pages 8 to 10.
- To request the adoption of the annual report and accounts for the year to 31 December 2019, as set out in the annual report 2019-2020, pages 108-110.
- To request the adoption of the annual report and accounts for the year to 31 December 2020, as set out in the annual report 2020-2021, pages 92-94.
- The election of trustees:
- The following current trustees put forward their names to serve in 2021/22: Michael Bach, Michael Becket, Thomas Blomberg, Amanda Frame, Martin Frame, Sophia Lambert, Peter Mishcon, Henry Peterson, Mary Sheehan, Anthony Walker. Proposed by trustees, seconded from the floor.
- The election of the treasurer:
- The trustees propose the election of Martin Frame to continue as the treasurer. Proposed by trustees, seconded from the floor.
- Amanda Frame, chairman, to report.
- Michael Bach, chairman of the planning committee, to report.
- Nick Ross, president, to give a brief speech.
- Questions moderated by Nick Ross.
- Any other business.
Online booking
Register here to participate. Only those registered will receive the needed invitation link and log in instructions.
This is a free event, so PayPal will not be involved.
For more than a year, millions of people around the world have conducted their meetings virtually over the internet. This shows a virtual meeting of the board of VFRÖ, the Alliance of Community Radio Austria, in March 2020, photographed by board member Alf Altendorf in his loft office outside Salzburg, with the massive alps south of Salzburg in the background. Picture courtesy of Alf Altendorf, (CC by 2.0)
First published 24/04/2021