Elizabeth Campbell’s speech

At the first council meeting after the Grenfell disaster, the newly elected council leader Elizabeth Campbell pledged that the council would fundamentally change its culture and work much closer with community groups from now on. She announced that the council had secured 99 homes for the survivors from Grenfell Tower, and that they are trying to buy a further 20 that are for sale in North Kensington. She also promised that the future of the Grenfell Tower site will be decided together with the community.
We have the full speech.

An even more unbalanced cabinet

On Wednesday evening, Elizabeth Campbell, the new council leader, announced her cabinet. It has three fewer members than the previous and it is, unfortunately, even more unbalanced in favour of Chelsea and the southernmost parts of Kensington.
Although 80% of the borough’s population lives in Kensington, 70% of the cabinet members represent Chelsea wards, and there is only one cabinet member north of Old Brompton Road.